Backgound check- In Canada and US

Tenant Screening, Landlord Screening, Online Tenant Screening, Tenant Screening Checks, and Tenant Screening Credit Checks

Information accessible to every landlord

This blog is the result of countless hours of research over the internet. We have tried to put together some of the services that you as a landlord would need.. Criminal and Credit check, free advertising of your property, Collection agency, Security cameras, legal forms, informational web site for each of the states in the US and in Canada to cover all the laws concerning Landlord and Tenants, etc. Each week I will try to add more and more useful information that applies to landlords. I have rental property in both the US and Canada. Read about my nightmare tenant and you'll see why it is important to follow all the steps. Taking the time now, will eliminate future financial headaches. I will post as many tips to help you out as I can. There is nothing like a nightmare tenant to motivate a landlord to put the case on the internet. After winning my case against this tenant I decided to make my case public. Although I won, I still cannot collect my overdue rent and legal fees in excess of $12,000,-- In addition I put the amounts owed through small claims court and only claimed $10,000. This amount will forever be in his file. The important issue, we were able to evict him. Nothing worse than a tenant who is not paying and you unable to evict him. Read my story and you'll see why.

About the Author

Hi, my name is Martina and I live in Canada. I have rental property in Canada and the United States so I make it a point to make sure I know the tenancy laws in both countries.  My expertise lies in Ontario,Canada but I have researced each of the provinces tenancies Act.  I have been a landlord since 1978 and I can assure you I have seen all kinds of problems. 

 The majoriy of tenants are honest and hardworking and it is just the few rotten apples that make things difficult for a landlord.  I am sure there are a few rotten landlords out there too. The advice you see on this blog is an accumulation of years of experience. 

  There is an easy way to learn things and the hard way. I hope that you will acquire valuable information from this site.  You have no idea how frustrated I felt when I had no place to turn to.  Thank God, for the internet.  Services are now at your fingertips. You have a choice to make things easier for you or you can do it the hard way. It is your choice.

 Feel free to post your comments or questions.  Make sure you indicate what city and state or province you are asking the question from ( or where the rental property is located).  This is a free service -- I will try to answer your questions or steer you to the appropriate web sites to help you out. 

 I try to go to this site at least one a week. When I have more time I may go on every day. 
I am also a tax expert for rental and home based businesses. I no longer do income taxes for other people, but I can provide you with valuable advice on what to do. Check out the tax tip pages and as it gets closer to the tax season I will be posting any changes that the CRA ( Canada) and the IRS(United States) post on their website that may affect you as a landlord. 

If you wish to contribute to this blog, please feel free, but remember to keepit free from any kind of discriminatory remarks or any content that may violate any laws.